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July 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM.

Award Ceremony for TD, TFG, and TFM prizes.


Julián López Richart.

Associate Professor of Civil Law. University of Alicante.
“The regulation of the digital will in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights.”

Past activities of the Research Chair

Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity

Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity

20 June 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity
Lecture: The inheritance of the person with disability: problems derived from the suppression of the exemplary substitution
Cristina De Amunátegui Rodríguez. Professor of Civil Law. Complutense University of Madrid

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Open lecture on the new legal regime for animals

Open lecture on the new legal regime for animals

9th May 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on the new legal regime for animals
Lecture: The notarial function in relation to the Law 17/2021, of 15 december, on legal regime of animals (family crises, inheritance, mortgage and pledge).
Guillermo Cerdeira Bravo de Mansilla.
Catedrático de Derecho civil. Universidad de Sevilla

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Open lecture on real estate tax valuation

Open lecture on real estate tax valuation

14th March 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on real estate tax valuation
Lecture: The new reference value
Juan Enrique Varona Alabern
Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Universidad de Cantabria

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Open lecture on Law on Real Estate Credit Contracts

Open lecture on Law on Real Estate Credit Contracts

7 February 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on Law on Real Estate Credit Contracts
Lecture: The latests judicial decisions on transparency control and its impact on notarial control after the Law on Real Estate Credit Contracts
Francisco Pertíñez Vilchez.
Profesor Titular (Acreditado a Catedrático) de Derecho Civil. Universidad de Granada

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Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with disabilities in exercising their legal capacity

Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with disabilities in exercising their legal capacity

NEXT EVENT 24 January 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with disabilities in exercising their legal capacity
Lecture: The notary’s role in providing legal support and safeguards in connection with wills and appointments of assistants to people with disabilities
Cristina Guilarte Martín-Calero
Professor of Civil Law. University of Valladolid

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