“The Research Chair in Notarial Law will be a platform for reflection, debate and research on Notarial Law, especially in relation to Civil Law and Private International Law. The Research Chair will offer a training programme and fulfil the dissemination and research tasks that may help improve the training and knowledge available in this field.”
About us
Institutional structure:
Research Chair director:
Javier Barceló Doménech
Planning, monitoring and carrying out the activities of the Research Chair.
Preparing and submitting, for approval by the Joint Monitoring Board, the annual activity programme and budget of the Research Chair.
Managing the funds allocated to the Research Chair.
Disseminating the activities of the Research Chair.
Fulfilling any other duties that may be entrusted to the Research Chair director by the Joint Monitoring Board.
Joint Monitoring Board:
Juan Llopis Taverner
Valencia Notary Association representatives:
Antonio Jiménez ClarDelfín Martínez PérezGaspar Peral BernatAntonio Ripoll Soler
UA representatives:
Esther Algarra PratsManuel Desantes RealJaume Ferrer LloretMaría Isabel Serrano Guillén
Signing of collaboration agreement
14 October 2021
Renewal of collaboration agreement
31 October 2023
Duties of the Joint Board
Proposing to the UA president the appointment, renewal, dismissal or replacement of the Research Chair director and, where appropriate, of the deputy director or coordinator.
Approving the annual activity programme and budget of the Research Chair.
Overseeing the execution of the annual activity programme.
Approving, at the end of each year, the annual report on the Research Chair’s activities, to be presented by the Research Chair director.
Proposing the approval of the collaboration agreements that may be signed between the Research Chair and other institutions or organisations, with a view to the achievement of the Chair’s strategic objectives.
Resolving any disputes that may arise concerning the interpretation, amendment, termination and effects of the agreement establishing the Research Chair.
Valencia Notary Association
While the earliest provisions concerning notaries in the Valencia Region date roughly from the period in which the Kingdom was conquered (1238), the existence of the Valencia Notary Association has been documented on an uninterrupted basis since 1283, which makes it Spain’s oldest notary association. It serves the Valencia Region.
The address of the Association’s headquarters is Calle Pascual y Genís, 21. The building was erected in 1883 on a site acquired for that purpose and has served as the headquarters of the Association since then.
A comprehensive renovation was undertaken in 1999 that preserved the façade and the architectural gem that is the assembly hall, and a new structure was erected that changed the layout of the rest of the building.
The ground floor currently contains the foyer, the porter’s office and three other areas. The middle one is occupied by the old assembly hall, which has remained intact since 1883. As one enters the hall, the new hall is on the left and the new library, where almost 11,000 books are kept, on the right.
On the piano nobile first floor are the old library (today a meeting room), the dean’s office, the boardroom and a gallery surrounding the staircase of the assembly hall. The second floor comprises the Association’s offices, while the Notary Candidates Academy and the SOLUTIO LITIS Notarial Foundation for Mediation and Arbitration are located on the fourth floor. The third and fifth floors are occupied by documentary archives; the latter also consists of the porter’s residence and two small towers that crown the building.
Two archives are located in the city of Alcàsser: the protocol archive, from which copies of the books kept in it are issued (Calle Dels Seders, no number), and the archive of the old Brokers Association. The Valencia Notary Association also has branches in Alicante (Calle Bailén, 25) and Castellón (Plaza del Real, 35).
Alicante branch of the Valencia Notary Association
The Alicante branch of the Valencia Notary Assocation is located at Calle Bailén, 25.
This iconic building in the heart of Alicante offers excellent facilities. The Alicante branch of the Association provides administrative services (stamping or authentication of documents, among others) and has boardrooms, conference rooms and a library, known as “the Happy Book Library”.
Happy Book Library
The Happy Book Library is one of the highlights of the Alicante branch of the Valencia Notary Association. It is made up of books donated by the Desantes de Mergelina family.
A unique venue of great historical value, the library contains 4,200 books dating from between the 15th and 19th centuries, including 16 incunabula and several literary gems.
A place where we can touch legendary books. Centuries of literary history are preserved in the leather covers and the ink of these extremely valuable books, which have become living beings – and this is true to such an extent that they are not touched, but caressed. The Happy Library Book offers poetry, music, theatre or dance clubs, lectures, discussions and book launch events.
Premio a la cultura alicantina 2022