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Legal warning

In fulfillment of the due in the Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of Services of the Society of the Information and of Electronic Trade, as well as in other norms of legal application, puts in knowledge of the users of the Portal of Internet “www.catedraderechonotarial.es” the following data of general information:

1. The present portal constitutes the Official Place in Internet of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE. It has been created and is kept to instances of “the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE”, the one who is his owner, as well as of those names of command that to him drive

2. The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE is an educational public institution that was created by the Law 29/79, of 30 of October (B.Or.And. Of 31 of October of 1979),

3. The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE is provista of C.I.F. nº Q-0332001-G

4. The headquarters of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE find in:

Campus of Saint Vicente
03080 Alicante

5. The users of the present portal will be able to establish a direct and effective communication with the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE by means of communication written remitted to his social domicile, indicated in the point 4 of which compose this General Information, as well as using any one of the following half:

T: + 34/ 965 90 34 00
F: + 34/ 965 90 34 64
And: comision.web@ua.es

Conditions of use


These General Conditions regulate the use of the website of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE, to the that access by means of the direction URL “www.catedraderechonotarial.es

The existence of the present General Conditions of Use does not exclude the presence of other disposals or conditions of access to the diverse sections that compose the place of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE.


The users will have to read the present General Conditions of Use of this page web.

The use of the website of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE involves the knowledge and full acceptance of the legal warnings and valid conditions in each moment in that the user access to the same and that to continuation specify .

Likewise, the utilisation of determinate services to disposal of the users of this official place can be subjected to special conditions, warnings or instructions that also will have to be consulted and accepted without reservation by those.


In fulfillment of the due in the Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of Services of the Society of the Information and of Electronic Trade, inform that the website “www.catedraderechonotarial.es” has been created, is kept and is property of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE, created by the Law 29/79, of 30 of October (B.Or.And. Of 31 of October of 1979) and whose direction, to which will be able to direct the users, is:



Campus of Saint Vicente of the Raspeig

And – 03690 Alicante

Tel.: +34 965 90 34 00

Fax: +34 965 90 34 64

And-mail: comision.web@ua.es


3.1 Gratuitousness of the access

The utilisation of the official place of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE possesses free character. Nevertheless, the contratación of some of the services that offers this website can be, at present or in the future, conditioned to the payment of a price, in whose case will indicate convenientemente.

3.2 Register of the user

With general character, the access and utilisation of this website does not demand the previous registration or register of the users.

However, and with exceptional character, the access to determinate services is supeditado to the register of the user in the databases of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE. In these cases, the data of personal character facilitated to the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE in consequence of the utilisation of the website will be object of treatment by part of the same, in the conditions and terms specified in the clause 7 of the present General Conditions of Use.

The user engage to use his keys of access (name of user and password) in accordance with the following restrictions:

    • The password chosen by the user will not be able to lesionar the rights to the honour and to the own image of third, as well as neither infringir in way any the rights of industrial and intellectual property of third.


    • The keys of access are for exclusive use of the user title of the same and his custody, his confidentiality and correct utilisation are of his exclusive responsibility.
    • The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE will not be responsible by any perjuicio in that the user or third can incur like consequence that other people use his password, so much with his knowledge and without him.


  • The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE engage to not spreading the  password used by the user to any another person, except in the case that, in strict fulfillment of the pertinent judicial requests or, in his case, authority legally authorised, was him demanded.

3.3 Restrictions of access and use

The utilisation of the official place of UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE will have to obey to the content of these General Conditions, and to any one applicable legal disposals.

The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE reserves the unilateral right of denegar the access to this website to those users that break the present General Conditions of Use.


4.1 Industrial Property

The denominations “Universitat d’Alicante”, “University of Alicante”, as well as other distinctive signs (charts or denominativos) that appear in this website, are exclusive property of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE, the one who has them properly registered. His titularity awards him, of compliance with the Art. 34 of the Law 17/2001, of 17 of December, of Marks, as well as with other national legislations that could be applicable, the exclusive right to use the antedichos distinctive signs in the economic traffic. Therefore, it remains forbidden his utilisation by part of third that lack permission.

The eventual presence in this place of distinctive signs of extraneous titularity to the reviewed in the paragraph precedent effect without commercial purpose and with the permission of his legitimate proprietary, always with the owed respect to his rights of scoop.

4.2 Names of command

In the same sense that the referred in the separated precedent, the name of command “www.catedraderechonotarial.es” and all those that serve to access of direct form to the present official place are of exclusive titularity of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE. The undue utilisation of the same in the economic traffic would suppose an infracción of the rights conferred by his register and will be pursued by the due means in the Law.

4.3 Rights of Author

4.3.1 The contents, texts, photographies, designs, logotypes, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, programs of computer, codes source and, in general, any existent intellectual creation in this official place, as well as the own place in his group like multimedia artistic work are protected like rights of author by the legislation in matter of intellectual property.

4.3.2 they Remain excepted of this protection those files or programs of computer no titularity of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE and of free access (freeware) that the user can download from diverse pages of this place with the end to make possible the access to the same. Treat , anyway, of applications that have the character of public domain by expresses will of his authors.

4.3.3 The user remains on purpose authorised by the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE to visualise, print, copy or store, of any another forms, in his hard disk or another physical support, the intellectual creations protected and any another content or active amparado or no by a right of scoop, whenever this effect for personal and private ends of the user, without commercial purpose or of distribution and without modifying, alter or decompile the antedichos right and contents. This faculty of personal use understands recognised always and when they respect intact the warnings to the rights of author and of industrial property here realised and does not suppose the concesión of licence some to the user.

4.3.4 Likewise, the museums, libraries, fonotecas, filmotecas, hemerotecas or files, of public or integrated titularity in institutions of cultural or scientific character, remain exentos to require the permission of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE by the reproduction of the material content and, in general, of any existent intellectual creation in this official or active place amparado or no by a right of scoop, when that realise without yielding purpose and exclusively for ends of investigation.

4.3.5 Any another utilisation will require the permission expresses and by writing of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE.

4.4 Reservation of actions

The user of this website engage to respect the rights billed and avoid any performance that could prejudice them.

In accordance with the up to now reviewed, the no authorised utilisation of the rights of industrial and intellectual property titularity of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE and related or contents in this website, as well as any vulneración of the peaceful possession and titularity of the antedichos right will be pursued with the half that the legislation, so much Spanish and international, foresee.

In this sense, THE UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE leaves done expresses reservation of the exercise of those that actions, so much civil and penal, amparen his legitimate rights of intellectual and industrial property.


In the website of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE the user will be able to find diverse links that will drive him to pages independent web of this. His only purpose is the one to facilitate the access to other sources of information in Internet related with the culture and the education and his insertion in this website is inspired by the respect of the rights of intellectual property that, in his case, can correspond to his authors.

Likewise, the establishment of links to the website of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE will have to respect the rights of intellectual property and/or industrial titularity of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE reviewed in these General Conditions.


6.1 By the contents:

6.1.1 Informations: the informations, so much own and of third, that appear in the website “www.catedraderechonotarial.es” provide “as they are”, without guarantees of any type regarding his accuracy and update. In his consequence, the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE does not do responsible of the possible perjuicios that the utilisation of the same could cause.

Likewise, the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE does not do responsible of the licitud of the content supplied by the providers, users and other third through any way of utilisation of this website.

In any case, the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE engage to act with diligencia to avoid the existence in his website of illicit contents and, in case that it take effective knowledge of these contents, delete them or prevent the access to the same.

6.1.2 Errors: in relation with the mentioned in the previous paragraph, the documents published could contain inconsistencias technical or errors tipográficos involuntary, of which the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE does not do responsible, but engage to amend them, with the main possible shortness, from the moment in that it have knowledge of the same.

6.1.3 Hiperenlaces: the links, with or without advertising content, existent in this website allow to the user leave the website of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE. The places linked are not related, except indication in contrary, with the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE, the one who does not do responsible of the contents to which access in virtue of the mentioned links, neither of the modifications that carry out in the same, neither of the use that of those realise , neither of the technical availability of the same.

In any case, the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE engage to do the possible for avoiding the existence in his website of links to places of illegal content, that promote illicit activities and, in general, susceptible to attack against the principles of freedom and of human dignity or vulneren the values and right recognised by the Spanish Constitution and by the Universal Statement of the Human Rights.

Likewise, in case that it take knowledge of the existence of the antedichos links to places of illegal content, the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE engage to act with diligencia to suppress them of immediate form.

6.1.4 Forums of debate and tertulias: the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE is not responsible of the opinions that could express in the different permanent forums and in the tertulias occasional that develop in the breast of this place. In any case, is the purpose of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE procure the correct utilisation of these mechanisms, with the maximum respect to the dignity of the people and to the freedom of expression amparada by the Spanish Constitution.

6.1.5 Modification of contents: the information, the presentation and the services that offers this place can be subjected to periodic or punctual changes, susceptible to be effected freely by the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE without that it was forced to communicate it to the users.

6.2  By the operation of the place:

6.2.1 Privacy: the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE does not guarantee absolute privacy in the utilisation of this place, since it does not have to descartarse the possibility that third no authorised can have knowledge of the same and of the circumstances in that you realise .

6.2.2 Viruses: the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE does not accept any responsibility by the possible damages caused by computer viruses, whose absence does not remain guaranteeed.

6.2.3 technical Dysfunctions: the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE remains eximida of any derivative responsibility of the bad operation of the place or of any one of his services that have his origin in an accidental circumstance, main strength, necessary works of maintenance or any another causes no imputable to the same.

6.2.4 Cookies. The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE puts in knowledge of the users that could have installed “cookies” in his systems. The cookies are small files of informations that generate through the instructions that the servers web send to the programs browsers, and that save in a specific directory of the computer of the user. The cookies by himself same can not identify of personal way to the user, although himself can contain the direction IP of the same user.

Nevertheless the majority of the browsers accept the utilisation of cookies of automatic form, the user has the possibility to prevent the access to his computer, by means of the election of the corresponding option of his browser.


7.1 The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE puts in knowledge of the users of this place that will be able to create a file automated with the personal data that they are facilitated to the same like consequence of the utilisation of the present website and in strict fulfillment with the preceptuado in the legislation in matter of protection of data.

7.2 The users guarantee the furthfullness and authenticity of the informations and data that communicate in virtue of the utilisation of this website. In this sense, will be of obligation of the users the keep updated the informations and data of form such that correspond to the reality in each moment. Any false or inaccurate demonstration that produce like consequence of the informations and data manifested as well as the perjuicios that such information could cause will be responsibility of the users.

7.3 In fulfillment of the willing in the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 of December, of Protection of Data of Personal Character and Digital Rights Guarantee, inform that the data of personal character will be recopilados and filed in a file of data whose responsible is the Gerencia of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE.

7.4 The users will be able to exercise, anytime, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of his data recopilados and filed. The exercise of these rights will have to effect by means of communication written directed to the Juridical Service of the University of Alicante, in the form that to the effect collect in the following direction: https://si.ua.es/en/normativa/protection-of-personal-data-files.html. The exercise of these rights did not affect in way any to the access to the page web neither, in his case, to the condition of credited of the user.

7.5 The data registered will be able to be used with the purpose to effect statistical, the remisión of scientific information, the management of incidences or the realisation of studies of market, in addition to stop those that on purpose have collected the data.

7.6 In his case, the data of personal character facilitated by the users will be able to be communicated to a third only for the fulfillment of the distinguished ends previously, adjusting to the established in the articles 5 and 6 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Tenth Additional Disposition of the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 of December, of Protection of Data of Personal Character and Digital Rights Guarantee, collecting, anyway, the consent of the interested when this was necessary.

7.7 Al facilitate the data of personal character to the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE, the users declare to accept fully and without reservation the treatment of the same by part of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE.

7.8 The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE engage to fulfil with the obligation to save secret concerning the data of personal character object of treatment and declares his intention to put in practice the measures of índole technical and organisational necessary to guarantee the security of the data of personal character and avoid his alteration, loss, treatment or access no authorised, habida account of the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to that are exposed, already provengan of the human action or of the physical or natural means.


Although, in principle, the length of this place is indeterminate, the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE reserves the right to suspend or give by finished the provision of some or all his services, without that this decision have to be communicated with antelación to the users of the same.


The present General Conditions of Use rigen by the Spanish Laws.

Any controversy in relation with the website of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE sustanciará in front of the Spanish jurisdiction, subjecting the parts to the Courts and Courts of the city of Alicante, and his upper hierarchical, with expresses renuncia to his fueros if they had it and were different of the reviewed.


Understand by server web of the University of Alicante that pertaining server to the command .ua.es

All the contents of this server WEB, are property of the University of Alicante, if it does not indicate the contrary. They can be reproduced freely and for ends no yielding by any pertaining person to an institution of educational character or researcher. Other institutions, organisms, companies, etc. They have to request the permission written of the owners of the copyright.

The shields, logotypes, photographies and graphic are property of the University of Alicante.
Forbidden his total or partial reproduction by any means without permission written of the owner.

Cookies Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, as well as other applicable legal regulations, the users of the Internet Portal «www.catedraderechonotarial.es» are informed of the following general information:

  1. This portal constitutes the Official Internet Site of the NOTARIAL LAW CHAIR of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE. It has been created and is maintained at the request of the NOTARIAL LAW CHAIR, which is its owner, as well as those domain names that lead to it.
  2. The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE is a public educational institution created by Law 29/79, of October 30 (B.O.E. of October 31, 1979).
  3. The UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE is provided with C.I.F. no. Q-0332001-G
  4. The headquarters of the UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE is located at: Campus de San Vicente 03080 Alicante SPAIN
  5. Users of this portal can establish direct and effective communication with the NOTARIAL LAW CHAIR via written communication sent to its email: catedraderechonotarial@ua.es

What are cookies and what do we use them for?

A cookie is a small information file that is saved on your computer, smartphone, or tablet each time you visit our website. In principle, a cookie is harmless: it does not contain viruses, trojans, worms, etc., that can damage your terminal, but it does have a certain impact on your right to the protection of your personal data, as it collects certain information about you (browsing habits, identity, preferences, etc.). Therefore, based on the applicable regulations (LSSI and current personal data protection regulations), the activation of certain types of cookies will require your prior authorization. Before that, we will provide you with some additional information to help you make a better decision regarding this:

  1. Cookies can be of various types depending on their purpose:

    • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, do not need your authorization, and are the only ones we have activated by default.
    • The rest of the cookies are used to improve our website, personalize it based on your preferences, or show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes, and personal interests. You can accept all these cookies by clicking the ACCEPT button, reject them by clicking the REJECT button, or configure them by clicking on the COOKIES SETTINGS section.
  2. Some cookies are ours (we will call them first-party cookies) and others belong to external companies that provide services for our website (we will call them third-party cookies: an example could be cookies from external providers like Google). In this regard, it is important for you to know that some of these external providers may be located outside of Spain.

    • Globally, not all countries have the same level of data protection, with some countries being safer than others (for example, the European Union is a safe environment for your data). Our policy is to use reliable providers who, regardless of whether they are located in or outside the European Union, have adopted appropriate guarantees for the protection of your personal information. However, in the section called WHAT TYPE OF COOKIES ARE CURRENTLY USED ON OUR WEBSITE?, you can consult the various privacy and data protection policies of each of these external providers, to make an informed decision about whether or not to activate the third-party cookies used by our website.
  3. Finally, note that depending on the length of time they remain active, cookies can be of two types:

    • Session cookies: automatically expire when you end the session on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. They are usually used to retain the necessary information while a service is provided to you on a single occasion.
    • Persistent cookies: remain stored on your computer, smartphone, or tablet for a specified period, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Types of cookies that are used or may be used at some point:

  • Technical Cookies: Technical cookies are strictly necessary for our website to function and for you to navigate it. These types of cookies allow us, for example, to identify you, give you access to certain restricted areas of the site if necessary, or remember different options or services you have already selected, such as your privacy preferences. Therefore, they are activated by default, and your authorization is not required. Through your browser settings, you can block or alert of the presence of these types of cookies, although blocking them will affect the proper functioning of various functionalities of our website.
  • Analysis Cookies: Analysis cookies allow us to study the navigation of users on our website in general (for example, which sections of the site are the most visited, which services are used the most, and if they work correctly, etc.). Based on the statistical information about navigation on our website, we can improve both the operation of the site and the different services it offers. Therefore, these cookies do not have an advertising purpose; they only serve to make our website work better, adapting to our users in general. Activating them will contribute to this continuous improvement. You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Functionality and Personalization Cookies: Functionality cookies allow us to remember your preferences to personalize certain characteristics and general options of our website each time you access it (for example, the language in which the information is presented, the sections marked as favorites, your browser type, etc.). Therefore, these types of cookies do not have an advertising purpose; by activating them, you will improve the functionality of the website (for example, adapting to your browser type) and the personalization of it based on your preferences (for example, presenting the information in the language you have chosen in previous occasions), which will contribute to the ease, usability, and comfort of our site during your navigation. You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Advertising Cookies: Advertising cookies allow us to manage the advertising spaces included on our website based on criteria such as the displayed content or the frequency of ads shown. For example, if you have been shown the same ad several times on our website and have not shown personal interest by clicking on it, it will not appear again. In summary, by activating these types of cookies, the advertising shown on our website will be more useful and diverse, and less repetitive. You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Behavioral Advertising Cookies: Behavioral advertising cookies allow us to obtain information based on the observation of your browsing habits and behaviors on the web, in order to show you advertising content that best suits your tastes and personal interests. To understand this in a very simple way, we will give you a fictitious example: if your recent web searches were related to suspense literature, we would show you advertisements about suspense books. Therefore, by activating these types of cookies, the advertising we show you on our website will not be generic but will be oriented to your searches, tastes, and interests, thus exclusively adjusting to you. You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.

What types of cookies are currently used on our website?

Below, we provide information about all the types of cookies that are currently used on our website and the purpose of each one:


Cookie Type







This cookie stores the user’s consent status for the current domain.


1 year 1 month 4 days



CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information about site visitors.

1 year




Polylang sets this cookie to remember the language selected by the user when they return to the website and to retrieve the language information when not available in another way.


1 year




Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.


1 year 1 month 4 days




Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data and to track site usage for the site analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors.

1 year 1 month 4 days




YouTube sets this cookie to track views of embedded videos on YouTube pages.







YouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth and determine whether the user gets the new or old player interface.


6 months





YouTube sets this cookie to store consent status for the current domain.


6 months



What can you do with cookies?

When you first access our website, a window will inform you that cookies can be of various types:

  • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function. They do not require your authorization and are the only ones activated by default. Therefore, they are the only cookies that will be active if you simply click the ACCEPT button.
  • The other cookies are used to improve our website, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes, and personal interests. All of these cookies are deactivated by default, but you can activate them in our COOKIES SETTINGS section: take control and enjoy a personalized browsing experience on our website with a simple and quick step of checking the boxes you want.

Please also note that, once you have activated any type of cookie, you have the option to deactivate them at any time by simply unchecking the corresponding box in the COOKIES SETTINGS section of our website. It will always be as easy for you to activate our cookies as it is to deactivate them.

Remember also that, through your browser settings, you can block or alert about the presence of cookies, although such blocking may affect the correct functioning of the various functionalities of our website in the case of necessary technical cookies.

Lastly, note that if you activate third-party cookies (external companies that provide services for our website) and later wish to deactivate them, you can do so in two ways: using your browser’s cookie deactivation tools or through the systems enabled by those external providers.

To make it easier for you, below we list a series of links to the cookie deactivation guidelines for commonly used browsers: